
SOUTHENERGY: the power of the wind


Since 2008, the Southenergy team has also been involved in wind energy. Our mission is to offer the best technological solutions to guarantee maximum reliability on all wind farms built and to develop supervision and control systems capable of satisfying the needs of our investors by allowing constant monitoring and diagnostics.

Every day our wind turbines produce energy without harmful emissions, contributing to the protection of the environment, in line with the founding values ​​of our company: “enhancing the resources of our land of origin: the sun and the wind“.

The Southenergy business unit dedicated to wind energy deals with various activities, including:

  • Construction and Revamping;
  • Wind turbine regeneration;
  • Monitoring and Control System for wind power plants;
  • Management of bureaucratic adjustments and asset management services at the relevant authorities: GSE spa, Customs Agency, E-Distribuzione spa, ARERA.

We generate energy for our investors“: turbine located in San Pietro Vernotico (BR) – turbine power: 500 kW. Determination and constant desire to increasingly consolidate decades-old expertise also in the wind sector, honoring the promise of valorising the local territory on a daily basis. This is our vision.

March – Over 1.000 GW of wind installed in the world

With 116 GW of wind farms added globally in 2023, total capacity has surpassed 1.000 GW. The data is reported from preliminary statistics published by the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), an organization in which Anev represents Italian wind power.

From the preliminary annual report published, it emerges that the wind power installed in the past year increased by 12,5% ​​compared to that of 2022, bringing the cumulative total to 1.047 GW and the share of global electricity consumption covered by wind energy it reached 10%.

SOURCE: WWEA Annual Report 2023 

In 2023, wind power on Italian territory generated 23,4 TWh, a record for the technology, which last year covered 7,6% of the country’s electricity demand (9,1% of national production). However, the 2030 target remains at least 16 gigawatts away.

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Project Data
Agrivento s.r.l.
July 2024
Puglia, San Pietro Vernotico (BR)